Prostataentzündung (Prostatitis)

This particular inflammation of the prostate can occur through the blood and lymphatic system, but mostly through bacterial contamination of the urethra (urinary tract infection).

In acute prostatitis there are usually very severe symptoms such as perineal pain, fever, constant need to urinate and painful urination. Occasionally, the disease arises as a consequence of urethral or prostate injury after catheterization, every now and then even after prostate biopsies.

Chronic prostatitis is often accompanied by undetermined pressure in the lower abdomen, painful continuous desire to void, sensory loss in the genital area (typically at the tip of the penis) and even erectile dysfunction.


Most inmportant in any treatment is to inform patients that their condition is "benign", which is very difficult to treat and will probably remain for the next 40 years. While antibiotics usually show good results with acute illness, chronic illness, after exclusion of organic causes, is mainly treated with anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving therapy with the inclusion of physiotherapy measures.

Do you have any questions?

Do not hesitate to contact us:

Our network

Has your urine flow significantly decreased?
Do you have to get up more often at night to urinate?
Do you feel pain while urinating?
Do you accidentally lose urine?
Do you have blood in your urine?
Has your PSA level increased (greater than 4) more than once?
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